2024.10.31(星期四) 15:00 报告会
Professor Jeffrey Freymueller
美国密歇根州立大学 地球与环境科学系
Geodetic observations and modeling of water mass changes related deformation and stress changes
Professor Jeffrey Freymueller
美国密歇根州立大学 地球与环境科学系
Changes in hydrologic loads (mass transport) produces significant surface deformation, and the mass changes associated with continental hydrology (including ice melting) feature interannual variations and long-term trends that may be mistaken for components of a tectonic signal. Mass variations also induce stress changes within the solid Earth, which may interact with tectonic loading to influence earthquake occurrence, although some hydrological changes cause stress changes too small to be important. I will show examples from Alaska and elsewhere of the impacts of loading deformation and its contribution to earthquakes stress transfer.
Jeffrey Freymueller, 美国密歇根州立大学地球与环境科学系地质学教授(Endowed Chair),美国地球物理联合会会士,EGU 2024年Vening Meinesz 奖章获得者。主要从事利用全球定位卫星系统对地球表面运动进行高度精确测量研究,在包括板块构造、断层动力学、冰后回弹和火山形变等研究领域均取得重要研究成果。曾任美国地球学会(AGU)大地测量主席、UNAVCO督导委员会主席、EarthScope国家办公室主任,JGR-Solid Earth & Journal of Geodesy副主编等。