地球与空间科学学院 • 研究员
zy.zhao at pku.edu.cn
地球与空间科学学院 • 研究员
zy.zhao at pku.edu.cn
Zhao, Z., M. K. Sen, B. Denial, D. Sun and P. Williams, 2022, A hybrid optimization framework for seismic full waveform inversion, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 127(8), e2022JB024483
Hybrid optimization FWI for a blind test model of deep-water salt provinces in the Gulf of Mexico, a) Initial model, b) to d) are intermediate and final results.
Geng, Z., Z. Zhao*, Y. Shi, X. Wu, S. Fomel and M. K. Sen, 2022, Deep learning for velocity model building with common-image gathers, Geophysical Journal International 228(2), 1054-1070
Kardell, D., Z. Zhao, E. Ramos, J. Estep, G. Christeson and R. Reece, 2021, Tectonic activity near the Rio Grande Rise increases fluid flux in old oceanic crust, Geophysical Research Letter, 48(17), e2021GL094624
Seismic velocity model and associated uncertainty map. (a) Seismic P-wave velocity model from full-waveform inversion (FWI). (b) Standard deviation map for the estimated posterior distribution produced by gradient-based Markov chain Monte Carlo (GMCMC) FWI. (c) Average layer 2A velocity.
Kardell, D., Z. Zhao, E. Ramos, J. Estep, G. Christeson, R. Reece and M. Hesse, 2021, Permeability-constrained fluid flow models confirm hydrothermal cooling of 7-63 Ma South Atlantic crust, Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 126(6)
Zhao, Z. and M. K. Sen, 2021, A gradient based McMC method for full waveform inversion and uncertainty analysis, Geophysics, 86(1), R15-R30