
地球与空间科学学院 • 副教授



  • English Website: http://geophy.pku.edu.cn/pubtphp/yuehan/english/

  • 教育以及科研经历

    2007                北京大学地球物理专业    学士

    2010                北京大学地球物理专业    硕士

    2014                加州大学圣克鲁兹分校    博士

    2014-2017        加州理工大学                    博士后

    2017-2023        京大学地球物理专业    助理教授/特聘研究员

    2023-今            京大学地球物理专业    副教授/特聘研究员

  • 荣誉及人才计划

   2021   中国地震协会李善帮青年科技成果奖(一等奖)

    2016   国家级人才计划青年项目入选者

    2014   加州理工大学地震实验室博士后奖学金

    2013   教育部优秀自费留学生奖学金

  • 学术任职

   2021-   JGR:Solid Earth 副主编




在联合反演的同时,不同反演方法(线性多时窗以及贝叶斯非线性反演)以及震源参数化方法(有限断层以及多点源)的应用,也给震源反演提供了更多角度的约束。下图为2016 年日本熊本地震同震破裂模型。


2. 微地震的识别和检测




3. 断层物理过程

断层可以发生地震这种剧烈的能量释放过程,也可以发生缓慢的应力释放过程。这些蠕变过程直接影响到断层的应力积累和释放, 并且可能跟大地震发生的前兆直接相关。因此,研究这些断层的瞬态过程可能对于地震预测问题给出有效的解决方法。岳汉在2016熊本地震的研究中,在GPS信号中发现了主震前几小时可能存在的一个瞬态信号。该信号源位于主震震源附近,其发生可能加载了主震震源附近的应力场,并直接触发了主震的发生。下图为熊本震前的GPS形变场以及微震活动性分析。






47. C Ren, Z Wang, T Taymaz, N Hu, H Luo, Z ZhaoH Yue*, X Song*, Z Shen, H Xu, J Geng et al. Supershear triggering and cascading fault ruptures of the 2023 Kahramanmaraş, Türkiye, earthquake doublet[J]. Science, 2024, 383(6680): 305-311.


46. Lu W, Zhao Z, Yue H*, et al. The accessible seismological dataset of a high-density 2D seismic array along Anninghe fault[J]. Earthquake Science, 2024, 37(1): 67-77.





45. Lu R, Yue H*, Lai X, et al. Quakes of Compact Stars[J]. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2023: stad270.


44. Zhao, Z., & Yue, H.* (2023). A two-step inversion for fault frictional properties using a temporally varying afterslip model and its application to the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 602, 117932.




43. Yue H*, Wang K., Xue L., Shen Z. Sun J.,     Postseismic process inversion using full time series of surface deformation: Full Time-series Inversion (FTI) theory and its application to the 2017 Sarpol-e Zahab earthquake, JGR: Solid Earth, e2021JB023317.


42. Ren C, Yue H*, Cao B, et al. (2022) Rupture process of the 2020 Mw= 6.9 Samos, Greece earthquake on a segmented fault system constrained from seismic, geodetic, and tsunami observations[J]. Tectonophysics, 839: 229497.


41. Yun N, Yue H*, Zhou S, et al. (2022) Absolute tectonic stress inversion in the 2016 Mw 7.0 Kumamoto earthquake source region using topography and rupture models[J]. JGR: Solid Earth, 127(8): e2021JB023204.


40. Zhou Y, Yue H, Zhou S, et al. Microseismicity along Xiaojiang Fault Zone (Southeastern Tibetan Plateau) and the characterization of interseismic fault behavior[J]. Tectonophysics, 2022, 833: 229364.


39. Zhou, Y., Ren, C., Ghosh, A., Meng, H., Fang, L., Yue, H., ... & Su, Y. (2022). Seismological Characterization of the 2021 Yangbi Foreshock‐Mainshock Sequence, Yunnan, China: More than a Triggered Cascade. JGR: Solid Earth, e2022JB024534.


38. Wang Z, Yue H*. (2022) Resolving Shallow Moment Releases of Megathrust Earthquakes by Empirical Green’s Function‐Based Inversions: A New Approach for Tsunami Warning[J]. JGR: Solid Earth, 127(7): e2021JB023765.


37. Yue H*, Shen Z K, Zhao Z, et al. (2022) Rupture process of the 2021 M7. 4 Maduo earthquake and implication for deformation mode of the Songpan-Ganzi terrane in Tibetan Plateau[J]. Proce. Nat. Ac. Sci., 2022, 119(23): e2116445119.


36. Lu, W., Zhou, Y., Zhao, Z., Yue, H.*, & Zhou, S. (2021). Aftershock sequence of the 2017 M w 6.5 Jiuzhaigou, China earthquake monitored by an AsA network and its implication to fault structures and strength. GJI, 228(3), 1763-1779.


35. Jia, B., Yue, H.*, & Muzli, M. (2021). Absence of Near‐Trench Early Triggering during the 2012 Mw 7.2 Indian Ocean Strike‐Slip Earthquake: Evidence from One‐Day Aftershocks. SRL.




34. Yue, H.*, Sun, J., Wang, M., Shen, Z., Li, M., Xue, L., & Lay, T. (2021). The 2019 Ridgecrest, California earthquake sequence: Evolution of seismic and aseismic slip on an orthogonal fault system. EPSL, 570, 117066.


33. Guns, K. A.*, Pollitz, F. F., Lay, T., & Yue, H. (2021). Exploring GPS observations of postseismic deformation following the 2012 MW7. 8 Haida Gwaii and 2013 MW7. 5 Craig, Alaska earthquakes: Implications for viscoelastic Earth structure. JGR:Solid Earth, 126(7), e2021JB021891.


32. Zhou, Y., Yue, H., Fang, L., Zhou, S.*, Zhao, L., & Ghosh, A. (2021). An earthquake detection and location architecture for continuous seismograms: phase picking, association, location, and matched filter (PALM). SRL.


31. Ren, C., Yue, H.*, Wang, T., & Zhao, Z. (2021). Source rupture model of the 2018 M W 6.7 Iburi, Hokkaido earthquake from joint inversion of strong motion and InSAR observations. Earthquake Science, 34(1), 88-101.





31. An, C., Shawn Wei, S., Cai, C., & Yue, H. (2020). Frequency limit for the pressure compliance correction of ocean‐bottom seismic data. Seismological Research Letters, 91(2A), 967-976.


30. Yue, H. *, & Lay, T. (2020). Resolving complicated faulting process using multi‐point‐source representation: Iterative inversion algorithm improvement and application to recent complex earthquakes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125(2), e2019JB018601.


29. Yue, H.*, Zhang, Y., Ge, Z., Wang, T., & Zhao, L. (2020). Resolving rupture processes of great earthquakes: Reviews and perspective from fast response to joint inversion. Science China Earth Sciences, 63(4), 492-511.




28. Yun N, Zhou S*, Yang H*, Yue H. & Zhao L , (2019). Automated Detection of Dynamic Earthquake Triggering by the HighFrequency Power Integral Ratio[J]. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(22), doi.org/10.1029/2019GL083913


27. Lo, Y. C., Yue, H.*, Sun, J., Zhao, L., & Li, M. (2019). The 2018 Mw6. 4 Hualien earthquake: Dynamic slip partitioning reveals the spatial transition from mountain building to subduction. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 524, 115729.


26. Zhou, Y., Yue, H.*, Kong, Q., & Zhou, S. (2019). Hybrid Event Detection and PhasePicking Algorithm Using Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks. Seismological Research Letters, 90(3), 1079-1087.



25. Xibin T*, Yue H., Yiduo L, Yiduo Liu, Xiwei Xu, Feng Shi, Chong Xu, Zhikun Ren, J Bruce H Shyu, Renqi Lu, Haijian Hao, Topographic loads modified by fluvial incision impact fault activity in the Longmenshan thrust belt, eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau[J]. Tectonics, 2018, 10.1029/2017TC004864


24. Yue, H.*, Yijian Zhou, Shiyong Zhou, Li M, Huang Y., Zhou L., Liu Z.,. The 2017 Jiuzhaigou Earthquake AftershockMonitoring Experimental Network: Network Design and Signal Enhancement Algorithm[J]. Seismological Research Letters, 2018, 89(5): 1671-1679.


23. Sun J, Yue H*, Shen Z, Zhan Y. Fang L. Zhan Y., Sun X., The 2017 Jiuzhaigou earthquake: A complicated event occurred in a young fault system[J]. Geophysical Research Letters, 2018, 45(5): 2230-2240.


22. Wang W., Luo R., Yue H., Chen,X., Lee, K., Xu, R., FRB 121102: A Starquake-induced Repeater?[J]. The Astrophysical Journal, 2018, 852(2): 140.



21. Yue, H. *, Z. E. Ross, C. Liang, S. Michel, H. Fattahi, E. Fielding, A. Moore, Z. Liu, and B. Jia,  The 2017 Kumamoto earthquake: a significant event in a fault-volcanic system. JGR: Solid Earth 2017, 122(11): 9166-9183.


20. Yue H*. J. Castol, C. Yu, L. Meng, Z. Zhan. Localized water reverberation phase and its impact on back-projection results. GRL, 2017, 44(19): 9573-9580.


19. Chao A. Yue H. Sun J*. Meng L. Two-stage rupture process of the 2015 Illapel earthquake. BSSA, 2017, 107(5): 2416-2426.



18. L. Li, K.F. Cheung, Yue H., T Lay and Yefei Bai, Effects of dispersion in tsunami Green’s functions and implications for joint inversion with seismic and geodetic data: a case study of the 2010 Mentawa. GRL2016,43(21)


17. S Xu, E Fukuyama, Yue H., JP Ampuero Simple Crack Models Explain Deformation Induced by Subduction Zone Megathrust Earthquakes, BSSA, 2016, 106(5): 2275-2289.


16. Yue H. , Simons M., Duputel Z. Jiang J., Fielding E., Liang C., Owen S., Moore  A., Riel B., Ampuero J.P. and Samsonov S.V., Depth varying rupture properties during the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha (Nepal) earthquake, Tectonophysics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2016.07.005



15. Yue H, Lay T, Li L, et al. Validation of linearity assumptions for using tsunami waveforms in joint inversion of kinematic rupture models: Application to the 2010 Mentawai Mw 7.8 tsunami earthquake[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2015, 120(3): 1728-1747.


14. Hill E., Yue H., Barbot S., Hubbard J. Lay T., Hermawan I., Tapponnier P. Banerjee P., Feng L., Natawidjaja D. Sieh K.  The 2012 Mw 8.6 Wharton Basin earthquake from joint inversion of high-rate GPS and teleseismic data: Thermal runaway on young faults. J. Geophys. Res. . 2015, DOI: 10.1002/2014JB011703



13. Yue H, Lay T, Rivera L, et al. Localized fault slip to the trench in the 2010 Maule, Chile Mw= 8.8 earthquake from joint inversion of highrate GPS, teleseismic body waves, InSAR, campaign GPS, and tsunami observations[J]. J. Geophys. Res., 2014,: DOI: 10.1002/2014JB011340


12. Yue H, Lay T, Rivera L, et al. Rupture process of the 2010 Mw 7.8 (2014), Mentawai tsunami earthquake from joint inversion of nearfield hrGPS and teleseismic body wave recordings constrained by tsunami observations. J. Geophys. Res., 2014, 119(7): 5574-5593.DOI: 10.1002/2014JB011082


11. Lay T, Yue H, Brodsky E E, et al. The 1 April 2014 Iquique, Chile, Mw 8.1 earthquake rupture sequence. Geophys Res. Lett., 2014. DOI: 10.1002/2014GL060238



10. Yue, H., T. Lay, J. T. Freymueller, K. Ding, L. Rivera, N. A. Ruppert, and K. D. Koper (2013), Supershear rupture of the 5 January 2013 Craig, Alaska (Mw 7.5) earthquake, J. Geophys. Res. 2013JB010594;doi:10.1002/2013JB010594


9. Yue H., T. Lay, S. Y. Schwartz, L. Rivera, M. Protti, T. H. Dixon, S. Owen and A. V. Newman, (2013) The 5 September 2012 Nicoya, Costa Rica Mw 7.6 earthquake rupture process from joint inversion of high-rate GPS, strong-motion, and teleseismic P wave data and its relationship to adjacent plate boundary interface properties. J. Geophys. Res. 2013JB010187 doi:10.1002/jgrb.50379


8. Yue, H. and T. Lay (2013), Source Rupture Models for the Mw 9.0 2011 Tohoku Earthquake from Joint Inversions of High-Rate Geodetic and Seismic Data. Bull. Seis. Soc. Amer. May 2013103:1242-1255; doi:10.1785/0120120119



7. Yue, H, T. Lay and K. D. Koper (2012), En Echelon and Orthogonal Fault Ruptures of the 11 April 2012 Great Intraplate Earthquakes. Nature, 490, 245-249, doi:10.1038/nature11492.


6. Yue, H., Y. J. Chen, E. Sandvol, J. Ni, T. Hearn, S. Zhou, Y. Feng, Z. Ge, A. Trujillo, Y. Wang, G. Jin, M. Jiang, Y. Tang, X. Liang, S. Wei, H. Wang, W. Fan, and Z. Liu (2012), Lithospheric and upper mantle structure of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau,  J. Geophys. Res., 117, B05307, doi:10.1029/2011JB008545.


5. Lay, T., H. Kanamori, C. J. Ammon, K. D. Koper, L. Ye, H. Yue, and T. M. Rushing (2012), Depth-varying rupture properties of subduction zone megathrust faults, J. Geophys. Res., 117, B04311, doi:110.1029/2011JB009133.



4. Yamazaki, Y., T. Lay, K. F. Cheung, H. Yue, and H. Kanamori (2011), Modeling near-field tsunami observations to improve finite-fault slip models for the 11 March 2011 Tohoku earthquake, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L00G15, doi:10.1029/2011GL049130.


3. Yue, H., and T. Lay (2011), Inversion of high-rate (1 sps) GPS data for rupture process of the 11 March 2011 Tohoku earthquake (Mw 9.1), Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L00G09, doi:10.1029/2011GL048700.


2010 - previous

2. Wei, S.,Y. J. Chen, E. Sandvol, S. Zhou, H. Yue, G. Jin et. al. (2010), Regional earthquakes in northern Tibetan Plateau: Implications for lithospheric strength in Tibet, Geophys Res. Lett, 37(19), L19307.


1. Yue H., Zhang Z. and Chen Y. J., (2008) Interaction between adjacent left-lateral strike-slip faults and thrust faults: the 1976 Songpan earthquake sequence. Chiness Sci. Bull. Volume 53, Number 16, 2520-2526, DOI: 10.1007/s11434-008-0210-z.











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运.png        运乃丹

          2018 级硕博生





图片 1.png        赵泽严


            2019 级硕士生
















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                基于Wasserstein 距离的震源全波形反演



周一剑        Now at UC Riverside


贾博           Now a High School Teacher



郭慧昀 (Now at UCSC)


黄丽潼 (Now at UCSC)


王斌昊   (Now at USC)

陈曦        (Now at ETH)